Tuesday, April 8, 2014

eMagine 2014

This past weekend was the Oscars of Kansas Art, eMagine.

I love this event because all of the people who attend are artists, just like me. I love seeing all of the projects from people I know from the school and strangers from other schools around the state. I think it's so cool how we host this event and I look forward to it every year! Maybe next year I'll win something. :)

I knew I wanted to be a graphic designer on my first day in Mr. Olson's room last year. I love creating projects never seen before. I love surprising people and making things so appealing to the eye that they can't turn away. It's something that I can actually see myself doing for the rest of my life.


1 comment:

  1. glad you enjoyed and were inspired by this event. Hope you win nest year too!
