Thursday, May 8, 2014

Logo Process

How does logo design tell your story?

A personal logo is the best way to represent yourself in an artistic way. When I first started making my logos, I found this color that I loved. I knew that I wanted to use that color no matter what. It is a mix between a blue and green and it is gorgeous. Blue is my favorite color, and the color of my eyes. Another reason I went with this blue/green is because it represents the clear blue sea. I love the ocean, and I love the waves, so this color (the very first step of my process) already represented me in many different ways.

My next step was choosing a shape to base my logo off of. I started with a square; a perfectionist shape (like me), then I tried a circle; a shape that represents unity. I liked them both, but they were too simple, the opposite of me. I tried everything from peace signs to ying-yangs, but nothing was quite right. A combination I really liked were three circles in a row which reminded me of a "..." I messed around with a couple things coming up with two different logos using the "..." shape theme. When I asked for some input from my friends, they suggested that I combined the two versions. When I did, it was clear that was the logo to go with.

When it came to choosing fonts, it was easy. There are certain fonts that I believe completely resemble me in many different aspects. I chose the font Book Antiqua as well as Jellyka Princess. Overall, I'm very happy and very proud of my final product.

1 comment:

  1. Your logo is also balanced and hold the building blocks to go any direction you choose. Have a super-duper summer!
