Thursday, October 30, 2014

Sub for Field Trip Blog

Since I missed the field trip, I will write about my process with my brochure project.

My process began with brainstorming concepts in my notebook, then I moved into sketching logos. After my logos were sketched, I showed my project manager and she told me which logos to push in illustrator. Once I created those logos in illustrator, we checked with the client to see which logos she liked the most. With those two logos, I created two different concepts for the brochure cover. Then we printed and mounted the concepts and gave them to my client to present. When my client won the grant, I pushed the one concept she liked the most. I am still working on it and it is an ongoing project, but for right now I am in a good spot.

Below I have attached the first 13 logos I sketched as one of the first steps to the process.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Painting in Photoshop

At the beginning of this project, we learned how to mix brushes and use different types of brushes. We expressed this in this image:

Then we were to apply what we learned to a landscape image and I ended up creating this:

Then, I expanded my knowledge and applied what I had learned to a project of my own. I found an image on and opened it in photoshop. I used various brushes, brush presents, and colors and formed this wondrous image.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Quarter One Project

For my quarter one project, I was lucky enough to be chosen to work on a super important brochure for Dr. Poss. I was presented with a 6 page packet of the information regarding this brochure. It was for a health care grant Dr. Poss was trying to get for our school.


My project began abruptly, and we worked quickly. Over the course of two weeks, Miss Meyer and I worked tirelessly on sketches, logos, concepts, and covers. My first steps were working in my sketchbook. I created a word list of various concepts to research online. I also came up with different slogans to possibly use on the brochures. Then I was told to create as many different sketches as I could. I ended up with 26. Once my sketches were finished, I showed Miss Meyer and she told me which ones to take into Illustrator. The logo process took a lot longer than I would've thought. We ended up with three final logos we liked, so we took them to one of our clients to get more direction. Once we had more information, we could push these logos into our brochure covers.


I dove right in. I started with brainstorming certain concepts to get the "You Matter" theme continued.  After many many many different covers and many many many alterations and versions, we ended up with two different concepts for our two different logos that we liked. However, we were not even close to done. Once we finished the front cover, we had one day left to finish the back of the brochure that explained all of the information the clients needed to share. We worked really hard on the backs and making sure they matched the front. Once we finished the cover and the backs, we still had one more step. We printed and mounted each logo and each concept onto black board to make it look all pretty and nice. Finally, we were finished and we could bring our final products to our clients.