Thursday, September 11, 2014

Cube Project

I really enjoyed the cube project. I started like the rest of the class, following the tutorial, and I created this:
Then, we were instructed to create a cube logo of our own. I took the techniques I learned from the video and applied them to my own ideas. At first, I thought simplicity would be a more appealing logo. So, I used three of the cubes and used different shades of a pretty blue color. I added a stroke to each panel of the cube, because I liked the mystery of the space added between. Then, I pieced the cubes together in a way to shape yes, three cubes placed together, but also if you looked at it a different way, it looked like a shiny shield. I loved the double meaning of the logo, so I went with it:
Finally, I went even further and added more to the logo. I knew I wanted to incorporate at least one more shape. I started by deleted the fill to the cube and just having a stroke, creating a sort of Y shape. I played around with it a lot, and at first it looked like these three Y's holding the cube in place. I decided I wanted these Y's to connect, so I connected them, creating the square behind the blue cube. Then, I took more and more of those Y's and connected them creating the hexagons. Then, I knew I needed something to encompass the art. I created the triangle and added a fill to it to add a pop to the logo. I added the word "Design" and BAM I had a logo.

My Font

Today we took a quiz to determine the font that we portray. My font was cooper plate, because my attributes were: emotional, assertive, progressive, and relaxed. The font has all round curves and no edges, because it has no limits, no rules. I really do think this font describes my personality. I kind of have the attitude of "going with the flow" and I think that this font portrays that characteristic as well.

What is Graphic Design?

The official definition of graphic design is the art of skill of combining text and pictures in advertisements, magazine, or books. So, in other words, graphic design is the act of making information pretty. Usually graphic design can be found on posters, in commercials, or websites. It is all around us! It is used and seen every day. But to me, graphic design is a lot more. It's something that I'm really passionate about. When I first came into high school I knew I wanted to join eComm because I always thought I was going to study journalism of some sort. When I spent my first year trying out all the different "focuses" (video, web, graphic design, and animation), I fell in love with graphic design. Ever since I have wanted to major in graphic design in college and possibly work as a graphic designer when I'm older. I love designing with typography and creating logos. Here is an example of graphic design: